Remember to buy American

Tho this cowboy's life is a livin' rage,
and his lovely wife he lives to please.
There lurks inside of him a little boy,
Who dearly loves to tease.
Now on a recent trip to town, . . .
the logic of his purchase, I really couldn't tell.
But you could see the devil in his eyes,
when he found this Servants Bell.
Now a Servants Bell is what rich folks use,
when calling their servants to fill their every need.
Why they're suppose to fetch and carry,
or even groom the masters steed.
Well this cowboy bought that tinklin' bell,
and headed for the ranch.
And pondered on the benefits,
if this bell should work perchance.
Now his wife she is a pleasant gal,
and she doesn't mind his tease.
Ya see she loves her scruffy cowboy,
and does her best to please.
Well, . . . The details of this story, . . .
I really don't think I want to tell.
"Cause things didn't work quite out the way they were suppose to,
when he rang his little bell.
But there is one thing that I can tell you,
and that is that we hope that someday doctors may find some cures.
To explain why he jingles when he walks,
'cause he does it without spurs!
NOTE; While sharing this story and poem at a banquet. A lady seated towards the front was getting very angry. I just knew that she was about to throw something at me. She didn't, but after the show was over she came to me and put her hand on my shoulder. She said. "I was so happy to hear you finally got it in the end!" I'm sure she meant the conclusion of the story.

Sometimes You Just Can't Please em'
This Cowboy's Dad

Rudy Gonzales Nationally Renown Cowboy Humorist
Storyteller, Singer, & Cowboy Poet
Cowboy Rudy is a real working cowboy who has become a national favorite with his humor, stories, cowboy songs, and cowboy poetry. You will experience the difference between one who lives the life and those who just bought the hat.
© Copyright on my poetry recognizes Rudy Gonzales as the author. Permission is hereby given to those who would like to publish or recite my work. This is given with the understanding that no changes may be made in text and proper credit given as to authorship. If further questions - please call me.

The Servant's Bell
By Rudy Gonzales
Copyright © 1988Tho this cowboy's life is a livin' rage,
and his lovely wife he lives to please.
There lurks inside of him a little boy,
Who dearly loves to tease.
Now on a recent trip to town, . . .
the logic of his purchase, I really couldn't tell.
But you could see the devil in his eyes,
when he found this Servants Bell.
Now a Servants Bell is what rich folks use,
when calling their servants to fill their every need.
Why they're suppose to fetch and carry,
or even groom the masters steed.
Well this cowboy bought that tinklin' bell,
and headed for the ranch.
And pondered on the benefits,
if this bell should work perchance.
Now his wife she is a pleasant gal,
and she doesn't mind his tease.
Ya see she loves her scruffy cowboy,
and does her best to please.
Well, . . . The details of this story, . . .
I really don't think I want to tell.
"Cause things didn't work quite out the way they were suppose to,
when he rang his little bell.
But there is one thing that I can tell you,
and that is that we hope that someday doctors may find some cures.
To explain why he jingles when he walks,
'cause he does it without spurs!

NOTE; While sharing this story and poem at a banquet. A lady seated towards the front was getting very angry. I just knew that she was about to throw something at me. She didn't, but after the show was over she came to me and put her hand on my shoulder. She said. "I was so happy to hear you finally got it in the end!" I'm sure she meant the conclusion of the story.

"Said the robin to the sparrow,
I should really like to know,
Why these anxious human beings,
rush about and worry so.
Said the sparrow to the robin,
Friend I think that it must be,
They have no heavenly father
such as cares for you and me."
I should really like to know,
Why these anxious human beings,
rush about and worry so.
Said the sparrow to the robin,
Friend I think that it must be,
They have no heavenly father
such as cares for you and me."
Shared from one of BILLY GRAHAM'S books
"Unto the Hills"
"Unto the Hills"

"I just never let the truth get in the way of a good story or poem!"
Before I share this next story, I do not want to get a lot of negative E-mail from the ladies until they have read it all. My wife is my working partner and has been since before the day we married. As a cowboy's wife she has helped me dig fence post holes, stack hay, she has held lots of horses while I put shoes on them, she has gone on to put a lot of needed miles on the new colts I was training. All of this she did along with her other duties as a wife.
When we moved closer to town, I found myself making more money than our regular cowboy wages. So I set forth to share with my partner. I went out and bought my wife a new color television set. I remember when the salesman said. " Now Rudy that's a nice color T.V. you got there, would you like a remote control?" I answered immediately. "Why shucks no, . . I've got a wife!"
Now before you get all upset. I would like you to know that I found out later that I really should have bought that remote control. 'Cause when I'm setting there in my chair watching that color T.V. And Rose is outside splitting wood, . . . and I have to yell so doggone loud for her to come in and turn the channel.
Next I found that town people have some fun things going on. Like Yard Sales!
While visiting one of these Yard Sales on my way back to the ranch I found the most clever invention. I never knew that town people had it so good. It was a little bell about three or four inches tall and the call it a Servant's Bell. Well I got to thinking about all that money I saved on that remote control. So I bought that little Servants Bell, and I took it back to the ranch. I put it on the stand next to my chair where I watch that color T.V. Then I called Rose in and said. "Honey I want you to get use to this here sound!" Well this is how the inspiration for this next story came about.

Sometimes You Just Can't Please em'
This Cowboy's Dad

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