A Virtuous Woman/Poem/Pearlie Duncan Walker

A Virtuous Woman
By Pearlie Duncan Walker ©

Who can find a virtuous woman?
Above rubies is her price,
Her husband doth truly trust in her,
no need he’ll have spoil, she is wise,
She will rise up while it is yet night,
fill her lamps with oil, enough to do,
She seeks wool and flax,
works with her hands to help him too.

She is likened to the merchants’ ship,
bringing food from afar,
She rises while it’s night still,
giving food to her household, none to bar,

She buys a field and a vineyard
she plants with her own hand,
A bountiful blessing to her husband,
her candle goes not out in the land.

She girds her loins and sees her merchandise is good,
her hand doth lay Upon the spindle,
the distaff in her hand she doth display,
Reaching out her hand to the poor,
which are in dire need,
Strength and honor are her clothing;
She hath planted good seed.

In time to come she shall rejoice,
I know she hath pleased her lord well,
She looks well to the needs of her household,
I know with God she will dwell,
Her husband praises her,
her children rise up and call her blest,
She looks to the needs of her household,
I know her Lord will give her rest.

Many daughters have done virtuously,
but she exceeds them all,
Favor is deceitful, she is not vain,
upon her Lord doth she, call.
There in the pearled realms of Heaven,
I know for her He awaits,
To give her fruits of her hands and her own works
doth praise her, at the gates.

Dedicated to my Mother Julie Mullins Duncan

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