Prayer/Unknown Author

I’m not too good at prayin’, Lord

and You may not know me very well.
For I haven’t been inside a church,
in quite a long, long spell.
But You may still have seen me, Lord,
here on this dusty trail,
herdin’ after cattle
through the snow and rain and hail.
And as I ride I do give thanks
for the miracles I see ~
the clear blue sky, the buttercups,
the buzzing little bee.
I give thanks for the soft green grass
that feeds the cattle that we tend;
it also gives my bed some comfort
when the day is at an end.
With each hill and valley,
along each dusty mile,
I find some beauty You created
and I cannot help but smile.
I’m far from being a preacher, Lord,
but I’ll offer my humble prayer
that love and kindness will be my guide
as I’m roamin’ here and there.
I pray that I might live my life
in a way that brings You joy.
But if I slip every now and then,
take pity on this poor cowboy.
–Author Unknown

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