Joshua Troy

~ ~ Joshua Troy ~ ~

First we found ten fingers,
And then we found ten toes,
Then two eyes, two ears, and lastly,
One tiny, perfect nose.

We smiled with satisfaction,
As we wound down our inventory,
One wisp of hair, one small red mouth,
One whole, new, baby boy.

One excited, happy Father,
One blest, delighted Mother,
Their feelings, almost surpassed, 
By one new Nana - this Grandmother.

Grandchildren are quite different,
Than one's own girls or boys,
Why is this?  Who knows?  Why ask?
Don't question - just accept with joy.

How does one thank one's child,
For such a blessed gift?
Do we see our babies once again?
Perhaps we do, in all of this.

The day that you were born,
My handsome, little man,
I promised God I'd try to be,
The best Nana that I can.

I already had a model,
I knew what I wished to achieve,
I want to be there for you,
As my Nana was there for me.

Your whole new world says welcome,
Precious Joshua Troy,
Especially so, from your Nana,
You're her treasured, priceless joy!
© July 3, 2001 Virginia (Ginny) Ellis 
God bless you Ginny for writing this beautiful poem to
celebrate the birth of my first grand child - Joshua Troy

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