Just an Old Horse/Poem/Bette Wolf Duncan

Just an Old Horse
He saw his old horse, and the man saw himself.
He reckoned, “No better! No worse!
He’d just bought himself a burial plot;
and he pondered his grave with a curse.
Just an old horse who’s still hangin’ on;
that’s still got some life left to spend.
Just an old horse who’s still hangin’ on;
who’ll wrangle and romp till the end.

The man saw his horse whose sight was near gone;
whose old achin’ legs were near lame.
He looked at the horse and the man saw himself,
for his rheumatic limbs were the same.
Just an old horse who’s still hangin’ on;
who’s still got some life left to spend.
Just an old horse who’s still hangin’ on;
who’ll wrangle and romp till the end.

© 2012, Bette Wolf Duncan
This poem may not be reprinted or reposted without the author's permission.

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