He Laid Heaven Aside for Me/Poem/Pearlie Duncan Walker

He Laid Heaven Aside For Me
By Pearlie Duncan Walker ©

It was two thousand years ago,
our Lord took a stand,
He laid Heaven aside for me,
left the Heavenly band,

Laid aside his garments of white,
his signet ring that day,
To come to a little town called Bethlehem,
to be born and pave the way,

He traded in His crown of diamonds and gold,
for one made of a bush of thorn,
To wear upon His dear head,
knowing from the day He was born,

That there would be pain and sorrow
from a world full of Satan and sin,
But He gave up Heaven for a spell,
that I might be born again.

He laid aside all that He held dear
for me that day, for you too,
Though, had it only been one to be saved,
He would have done the same too.

He knew the pain and sorrow;
He knew the deceit that did await,
As He laid Heaven aside and made room
for you and me at the gate.

This Savior is Jesus
and He laid Heaven aside to die on an old Cross,
That his bride here on this old earth
would never suffer loss,

But be promoted to Heavens’
Pearled gates as we accepted Gods’ Son,
Knowing truly in our hearts,
this Son of God is the One.

He’s Prince of the Heaven He laid aside,
so noble and grand,
Knowing all the troubles that awaited Him
in this old land,

But He loved us with a love that’s true,
that’s unsurpassed,
So when our life is done here on earth,
we’ll have a true Heaven at last.

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