The Ocean's Shore/Poem/Pearlie Duncan Walker

The Oceans Shore
By Pearlie Duncan Walker ©

Have you ever stood on the oceans shore,
and looked far to the other side,
Just as the sun is rising, or setting,
and wishing a loved one was by your side?

You can never see so much beauty
here on earth as this doth bring,
It makes one so somber, you have a compelling urge
to just burst out and sing.

Ships passing, masts raised up high
with the sunset gleaming off the bow,
Into the oceans water,
and it seems to go so much further down somehow.

It's a time of thankfulness,
that we are here together this wondrous day,
When once in war over there, you seemed close,
yet so far, far away.

It was at sunset I would dwell upon the things of us,
the way we feel, and care,
Makes it so awesome in this great beauty,
to look to the Lord and talk to Him there,

As we know in our hearts,
that the glow of the sun upon water was put there by He
Who will one day bring us to a place
even more wondrous, there in Eternity.

He watches after the ships assail,
keeps the mighty ocean still as the gentle breeze,
When walking in the forest in the Fall,
gathering leaves from the beautiful trees.
The neap tide comes roaring in and washes
our footprints sorely away,
and then When the moon and sun teases it a bit,
is when the ebb tide goes out again.

Water ebbs back out to sea as God would have it be,
and we can walk in the sand
Until our toes are wet,
and pick up sea shells,
still watching the sunset from land.

Its like God drew us a picture here on earth,
just to give an inkling of what it will be,
When we are gone from this beautiful world,
and its in Heaven there, we'll be

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