Tennessee Music/Poem/Gina Day

Tennessee Music

When I'm home, breezin' in the weathered, creaking porch swing
or drifting in the old rocker Granny had seemed most content in
Tunes in my mind that snuggled in my heart often took wing
From deep within, the music flowed as if I had Daddy's spirit way back when.

Tennesseean's love music, from Rocky Top to the Mississippi River valley
No different if you were a local or not when the band warmed up
Within earshot, chimed right in there, all together we did rally
Heartwarming unity; squeaky, squawky, bass or tenor___ half-full was our cup.

Bountiful, beautiful, Tennessee___ blessed we were to dwell with music in our hearts
To be childlike, open-minded and free, to listen in the quiet, and float on each note
That told a tale, cited history, or just plain revealed the beauty of these here parts
Smoky Mountains filled with wonder, fireplaces a blazing, might grab a coat.

So much to see and do here, and Tennessee music is in the air, catch it if you can
It'll take off with your heart, send you on a treasure hunt of times past
Or startle you back to the present, with stirring renditions from an artist's hand
Before the wanderer knows it, is settling down, Tennessee music charms___ home at last.
Square dance tunes in the barn, jazz from the river way down yonder off a boat.

Gina Ann Day  © 2010  (In memory of my Daddy, Lester Ray Hensley, who loved to sing, though he often said he could not.  His voice rose above the rest of the tame congregation in Church, and I looked up to him when he spent time with Mrs. Jewell Spencer and others as they practiced songs to sing at funerals.  As it were, his voice wasn't anything grand, but his spirit flew like an eagle.)  
Poets retain copyright to their work; obtain a poet's permission before using a poem in any form.

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