Mad Dog Mean/Poem/Bette Wolf Duncan

Mad Dog Mean
Mad dog mean, the times are....
and it just turned snarlin' rough.
It happened just awhile ago.
They carted off my stuff.
This ranch has been my families
for near a hundred years.
The bank's a gonna auction it.
Too bad they can't sell tears.
If only they could sell my tears,
there's be enough t' pay
back taxes and delinquent loans
and wipe this grief away.

They loaded Grandma's poster bed,
her chiffonier and such.
The chances are that none a' it
will bring too awful much.
The times are mean and ugly....
this day's a snarlin' bitch.
If only I was someone else.
If only I was rich .
The fact is, I ain't none a' that.
I'm just a rancher's wife
who's never known or wanted
another way of life.

If only I could melt away
and join the auction crowd,
and bid on Grandma's poster bed,
and walk with head unbowed.
Great Grandma gave the bed t' her
when she was just a bride.
I watched my Grandma make the bed;
then polish it with pride.
I've known a lot of hard times-
but this sure beats all I've seen.
The times have sunk their teeth in me.
It just turned mad dog mean.
© 2000, Bette Wolf Duncan
This poem may not be reprinted or reposted without the author's written permission.

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