A Nation of Whiners

A Nation of Whiners

I had a very difficult time trying to find a title for this page;
after considering, and then rejecting, several possibilities, I
decided to simply call it, "A Nation of Whiners?" and present two
texts by unknown authors as well as some of my own thoughts.

My goal is for all who view my pages to receive a blessing from
them, but if your heart is not yet right with Jesus, then I pray
that you will visit a page that will convict you and lead to your
repentance and acceptance of Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

As I am sure many people do who create their own graphics, I try
to create a set with a theme that is in line with the text on the
page. I had a real problem choosing an image for this page that
would be appropriate. You see, we Americans are becoming a nation
of "whiners". Why? Part of the reason lies in laws, and juries,
that teach us it can be profitable to be a victim. We CAN change
these laws; laws that are written can be changed.

And let me state here, that when using the collective "we", I am
referring first to myself. Don't we all have moments where we are
plagued by self-pity? These thoughts, among others, were what led
me to choose a photo of the Via Dolorosa for the background. Has
any other suffered as our Lord did when He took on our sins?

With these thoughts in mind, I am going to share the first of two
items that touched my heart. Both are by author or authors unknown
to me. I hope you receive a blessing and will share this page with
family and friends. May the Lord bless and keep you!

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