Call Your Operator/Poem/Pearlie Duncan Walker

Call Your Operator
By Pearlie Duncan Walker ©

Sometimes we need to talk to someone,
tell our troubles all,
We pick up the telephone
and can't get through a call.
So we have to call the operator,
to help to get us through,
That's why I call Jesus dear God,
when I need to talk to you.

He tells me this is what He does,
will always intercede,
So I call my Heavenly operator,
when a talk with God I need,
His line is never busy;
we can reach Him night or day,
He will always be there waiting,
because that is just His way.

It's as easy to talk long distance
as a friend next door to call,
No money is required to talk to God,
as through His operator its free for all.
No matter we waited long
and thought we never would,
He is so gloriously wonderful,
we found we surely could.

I've never found the line busy;
this operator is surely on the ball
He would never keep us waiting
when it's our God we need to call.
You don't have to press a number,
talk to a machine or wait,
He is ever waiting to talk with us
and tell us its not too late.

If ice storms, rain or blizzards come,
or if hail storms abound,
No poles will break, no wires to fall
and tangle upon the ground,
Its just a whisper away to call the operator,
Jesus is His name,
And though many call all at once,
He'll be there for all just the same.

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