One Night in the Rodeo Bar/Poem/Bette Wolf Duncan

One Night in the Rodeo Bar
I'd sing you a song
but my voice is all gone.
It left me when "Somebody" left me.
Both gone....don't know where....
and can't say that I care....
can't say that it's ever distressed me..

It's the funniest thing
but I never could sing
till that night in The Rodeo Bar.
Of a sudden my voice
was mellow and choice
as that of an "Old Opry" star.

I met "Someone" that night
who did somehow ignite
some intangible spark in my breast;
then did somehow conspire
to whip up a fire
that consumed every cell I possessed.

Of a sudden my voice
became mellow and choice.
Like a lark in the field I could sing.
Yet, always before
my voice was so poor
that I never could warble a thing.

Oh, the wonder of it!
Every sound I'd emit
was as pleasing as birdsong in Spring.
So vibrant each note
that flowed from my throat.....
I could sing! I could sing! I could sing!

Now there's no one but me;
and I'm glad that I'm free;
though I'm here in the bar quite bereft;
and I'd sing you a song
but my voice is all gone......
it left when that "Somebody" left.

© 2001  Bette Wolf Duncan

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