Sunday, March 8, 2020

Post 18 A New Poetess Debuting/Emily Zahasky

Please send a warm welcome to our newest poetess and enjoy her light-hearted spirit shining through her poetry!


An Alaskan girl who loves to craft, bake, and explore the wilderness around her homestead. Come join her for an adventure in her poetry, writing, or blog!

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The Season's Banquet
From my poetry notebook, Emily Zahasky

One fine day in April

The Seasons gathered for tea.
And this was quite unusual,
To have four and not just three.
For one must always be busy
It was their duty after all.
But Spring was taking a break
And letting Jack Frost cover it all.

This was a big occasion,
As all the sisters knew -
Everything must be perfect
From the first "hello" to the last "audeu"!
Everyone helped decorate
With icicles and flowers,
And Spring covered all the table
With a veil of silver showers.
Summer brought a salad,
Winter brought hot tea,
Autumn brought preserves and scones
and Spring sandwiches a plenty!

While they sat they chatted
about love and about the weather
(For Winter had eyes for Mr. Frost
Who was handsome and quite clever)
Autumn mentioned last year's early freeze -
Winter had to blush -
Spring gave a merry laugh,
While Summer talked in a rush.

And before the day was over,
They'd made plans to meet again,
As all said goodbye to each other
To each sister and dearest friend.
Yes one fine day in April
The Seasons gathered for tea.
And it sounds like they had such a lovely time
I wish they'd invited me!

Last night I actually had two friends over for a tea party, as well as my youngest sister who is visiting! We had a lovely time, just like the four Seasons in the poem, so I don't feel so left out now that I have had my own fancy tea party. Haha!

Winter's Day Reading

Lost Mittens

Snow Sugar Cake

