I Could Almost SIng/Poem/Pearlie Duncan Walker

I Could Almost See
By Pearlie Duncan Walker ©

As I was looking up through the clouds,
over the mountains and into the sea,
I felt I could almost see the Lord,
as He smiled up there, looking back at me,

He created the beauty of all the world,
just as He did, both you and me,
And there in the Heavens, through the clouds,
it was like I was looking at eternity.

The mountain tops white as the purest snow,
climbing to where we would go,
Like wishing upon a star, but different too,
it was the brilliance there, I know.

It's Like a dream hath filled the heart and mind,
of all the miraculous sight,
That He put upon this old earth,
from the shining seaside, even unto the night.

It brings the silence into my heart
that my Savior, in all His Glory
could love me so, But I see the setting
of the sun upon the water,
red and yellow with a golden glow,

I know He waits for me amongst the mountains
and tall, tall sky up there,
And I know when this life is o'er,
I will bow to my regal Savior in Holy Prayer.

He made for us the rainbow,
amongst the cloud for a sign,
no more flood to be,
And in the Country the wheat fields
and corn as far as the eye can see,

Its so beautiful my Savior.
Thank you with all of my heart and soul today,
The deep blue water against the populous,
mountain trees, along the way.

I look in awe, at the wondrous things
Thou hast made Lord, with Thy great love,
The ocean swelling with tides,
the seashore with drift wood all from Thee above,

Thank Thee Lord Jesus for saving our souls,
all who will come and claim,
The Mighty name of Jesus into their hearts,
and openly confess Thy name.

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