A Mother's Message from Heaven/Virginia Ginny Ellis

A Mother's Message from Heaven
I see you, darling, all the time,
I know everything you do,
Would you believe, my dearest child
I'm even closer now to you.

For I can see inside your mind,
Indeed, inside your heart,
I even know you better now,
Than I did before, sweetheart.

I've always loved you - you know that,
But maybe now I love you more,
I love the adult that you've become,
Just as I loved the child before.

I know how much you miss me, honey,
Well, I miss you, too,
I miss our talking and our laughing,
And all we used to do.

Whether you are six or sixty,
You'll always be my precious child,
You're the baby that I carried,
And the adult that's helped me smile.

What you need to understand,
Though death has taken me away,
Is that I've not left you, darling,
I am still with you today.

Honey, I could never leave you,
God, of course, would not want that,
Physically, we are apart,
But our hearts are still attached.

I love you all the time,
You cannot get away from me,
That's the way a Mother is,
Right into eternity.

Every day I'm with you
I see you from above,
And I want for you to know
How very much you're loved.
© Virginia (Ginny) Ellis ~ May 2003

Please respect author copyright, do not use or copy
poetry without first seeking permission from the author.

If you were inspired or your heart touched
by Ginny's poem, 'A Mother's Message from Heaven',
please email her your thoughts and impressions,
Ginny welcomes all emails from those
who enjoy her poetry.

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