A Snowy Day/Tamara Hillman

Windowpanes are glistening—
ice crystals circling ‘round,
reflecting peaceful images
of home secure and sound.

Warm and cozy by the fire,

my eyes behold a scene

of snowflakes light and fleecy,

floating softly—most serene.

The wind stirs up such bluster,

the snow swirls in great drifts.

I feel the warmth here by the hearth,

my soul takes flight and lifts—

For outside powdery snowflakes

blanket o’re the bare,

transforming distant mountains

encircling village square.

Fascinating, tiny flakes—

each shape unique and white,

illuminating sunbeams

with glorious hues of light.

I’ll burrow ‘neath my quilts tonight, 

embracing winter’s sleep,

and by morn’ I shall awaken

to snows piled high and deep.

Tamara Hillman ©2004

Poets retain copyright to their work; obtain a poet's 

permission before using a poem in any form.

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