I Am Here/Poem'Pearlie Duncan

I Am Here 

When times are hard and
Days seem weary, I am here.
I am ever waiting, when you
Bow your head in prayer.

I told you when you are
Tired or scared, to cry.
I am here my son, my daughter.
It is I who stand by.

I was here when you were born;
Your family loved you so.
It is I who will be here when you die.
To Heaven I would have you go.

Look up to the sky; I am
Farther away, but in your heart.
Although, sometimes, you leave me
Out a bit, I shall not part.

I am here when you fall.
I lift you up and take you back, again.
I hold you closely to my heart
And wash you clean from sin.

Temptation comes to you. I know,
At times, you cannot, refrain.
When you fall, again, your life
Feels cold as winter rain.

I am here when you or a loved one
Is ill; when a babe is born.
I will be here when you leave this world;
I will help the babe to mourn.

I am here, with you, when the rains fall
Or snow is upon the ground.
When you go through trials and
Tribulations, I can be found.

© 2007 by Pearlie Duncan Walker

This poem may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13:5b

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