Christmas Without You/Poem/Virginia Ginny Ellis

Christmas Without You 
It's hard to face Christmas without you,
It's hard to spend Christmas alone,
The others will be here, of course, dear,
But it won't be the same at home.

What is there about Christmas,
Apart from most holidays?
Why does your absence hurt more then,
And we're more aware you're away?

It isn't that we don't miss you
Those other times of the year,
Each day has its own special heartache,
And each day, its own special tear.

But Christmas has many more meanings,
It's family, it's friends, and it's hugs,
It's receiving, and giving, and memories, 
It's sharing, and caring, and love.

So, darling, you know you'll be missed,
Even though your spirit is here,
If just once more I could touch you,
That's all I would ask for, my dear.

I truly am thankful to God,
That you were ours for a little while,
And I'm also most grateful to Him,
That now you are His precious child.

Enjoy your Christmas with Jesus,
Fly with the angels above,
But hover over us, darling,
So we'll still feel your sweet love. 
 Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
Written permission granted by  Virginia Ellis to use her
beautiful poetry 

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