
Mary of sixteen says to Marcus, come visit my family in the ‘morn
I want you to meet them full of joy, no strife or split and torn
Marcus says, my heart is beaten up and heavy, too much on my plate
You come with me, all dolled up, and we will party heavy on a date
Mary says, oh no Marcus your worries will melt away in His house
Partying is not cool, no not at all, the next day you will feel like a mouse
She continued, my loving Father and dear parents and caring family love you
You won’t miss your troubles, you surely won’t, worldly things you bid adieu
You have both a Father and parents? And you boast of family members who care
That I am confused, frustrated, angry even, that I need more to get out of life’s snare?
Oh yes, my family will be filled with joy to meet you, welcome you into their loving fold
They do not care who you are, but they care about you__ you will find what I am told
Because they love my Father, they love you like he loved his son, and will help you turn
Away from worldly woe, from making mistakes, keep you from being thrown in to burn
Burn? Burn? I do not want to burn, Mary, help me see__ how do I get in this circle of life
I do want what you have__ peace and family and love__ without scaring strife!
She took him by the hand and told him he was invited on a thrilling new trail
The journey would end in a heavenly home; new, strong and not a bit frail
Well, Mikey went with Susie to Church after his invitation and started his walk
Toward precious Jesus, loving Father__ in his new family who did more than talk
Before you knew it, he was walking down the aisle smiling and with crocodile tears
Was washed of his sins, saw the dove come into his heart and erase his fears.
Marcus of sixteen says to Bobby, come visit my family in the ‘morn
I want you to meet them, full of joy, no strife or split and torn
♥(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸*♥♥*¸.•'´¯)¸. • ' ´¯)♥
© Gina Ann Day 2013
Poets retain copyright to their work; obtain a poet's permission before using a poem in any form.
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