Our Heroes’ of America
By Pearlie Duncan Walker ©
That day, the Towers and the Pentagon were falling, a plane was downed,
But there came from everywhere, our heroes on that day, they did abound,
A fireman untangling a mess to get to the lady lying there,
A Policeman coming to help at every opportunity, a body to bear.
Going through fire and falling stone, trembling with terror, but struggled on,
Determined to save the hurt and ease the dying, they listened for every groan,
Touched the hearts of American Citizens as no other could ever do,
And heroes in a downed plane, calling, home to say, its ok. I’m about through.
Heroes at every spot of trouble and hurt, never stopping to wait for another,
Taking care of all they could find, every friend, child, father or mother,
Unleashed power of love that day, all from our wondrous heroes of the day,
Helping in every thing, to move the wounded out of harms way.
God, be with them all, some we don’t know, but Lord, you know them well,
Bless each and everyone, who helped the injured that awful day of hell,
Caused by Satan himself, but he knows his time is very short indeed,
Knowing Jesus is soon coming, all our heroes planting good seed.
Heroes,’ even to the animals that were sniffing and trying to find all the missing,
To bring to safety, from the rubble there in the city that with fire was hissing,
Some of our heroes’ are gone to be with God above, they were so brave,
Knowing they would possibly be killed, they chose, our people to save.
Dedicated to every fireman, policeman volunteer or animal who helped in the fight To free or take out the dead in the travesty that happened in New York or The Pentagon Or, the ones who died in the plane that was downed in PA. Or anyone who helped in any way whatsoever. We, Americans Hail you!
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