{written for a friend's loss of a loved one}
I know you are suffering deep and wide
For your precious darling Jesus took
Your strength is washed-out as you side
and comfort family with the Holy book
I know you will come through this
As Jesus embraces you and lights your way
keeping you from stumbling, yet ever near His bliss
so you will rock this child in heaven some sweet day
I know she will be missed and took a chunk of your heart
she will remember and treasure your heartbeat song
She is alive and well now, a new name, and doing her part
Angels are cuddling her, she can do no wrong
I know God will look after her and call her His own
In heaven where His joy and love nurture her well
A blessing to look forward to while on earth on loan
Home is where the heart is, heaven will do quite well.
I know there is nothing much for anyone to say or do
To make her absence not feel it tore your soul out
loved ones softly pray for Jesus__ who
He knows how specially loved you are__ all about

© Gina Ann Day 2013
Poets retain copyright to their work; obtain a poet's permission before using a poem in any form.
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