A Poem Dedicated to Martin Luther King, Jr by Gina Ann Watkins Day
There once was a heroic man,
a mighty maneuver of God's love and will,
a powerful King.....
Son, husband, and loving Father,
pining with passion, beyond hate and violence.....
a dream of great love took wing.
Empowered by God’s love and strength,
birthed a triumphant journey out of evil's bondage,
of heart, soul, and mind.
Led persecuted soul’s toward the light,
freedom’s the only path of victorious flight,
bold, empowered, Christ-like, …..meek and kind.
As Satan would and always will,
Raised his head, unleashed his fury, using others to destroy and deter,
Undermine God’s plan within that loving King’s dream.
In all that hate ultimately created,
Suffering, anger, frustration, loneliness, and pain,
An awesome legacy evolved, born to thrive,
despite hell's woe, .....from the heartbeat of a Godly team.
All men are created equal
All men have equal God-given rights,
Race is not a Christian pre-requisite
to respect, inclusion, and love; it's His plan.
God loved us to bless us with the choice of free will,
fruits of His Spirit or Satanic seed,
Every soul must strive to be like Jesus, not the Klan.
Forgive we must, plant by example
to love each other, as the King's dream, a King's plan,
one act of kindness, one word, one touch at a time,
walk hand in hand, work heart to heart.
C'mon everybody, why do we cultivate hate
when peace is to be had,
all you have to do for the dream and the plan to merge
is overcome.......do your part.
Gina Ann Day © 2008
Poets retain copyright to their work; obtain a poet's permission before using a poem in any form.
"Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord..." Hebrews 12:14

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