This Nation Under God/Poem/Pearlie Duncan Walker

This Nation, Under God
By Pearlie Duncan Walker ©

Most people of America came here looking for a Godly land,
Some have come, our Country's very freedom to utterly ban,
We AMERICANS choose to live UNDER GODS own rule,
Including keeping all our children in a good Christian school.

We have those who like to scream about rights, and that's okay,
But if you really want to live in our Country, please do it our way,
Christians established the laws of the land, long, long ago,
And we suggest, if there are any who do not like it, you're free to go.

Our men fought for our freedom under the flag of red, white and blue,
If you cannot abide by these colors, maybe we could help find a new home for you,
Its all pretty simple, we live in the good old USA, under God and our flag,
So just don't mind too much, if sometimes we do like to brag.

We take in other Countries people, give them jobs, healthcare and all,
Then some start acting like its their place to give this Country's call,
To start changing our constitution, changing the law to their need,
We are the Americans who worship the God of our fathers indeed.

Oh, and by the way, this IS America and its English we surely speak,
Not Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese or any other do we seek,
So if you are going to hang around for a good long stay, please don't be squeamish,
Check out our libraries and try to learn some good ole American ENGLISH.

We are true Americans who will not, our laws of God compromise,
So, we will not stand by and watch, while you try to use the word bias,
And try to take out from our pledge of allegiance the words of"Under God",
If you cannot love our Country, as do we, we suggest you leave this old sod.

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